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IGLOO SECURITY, Inc. Acquires integrated security management solution Spider TM V5.0 CC certification







Acquires integrated security management solution Spider TM V5.0 CC certification 



- Spider TM V5.0, an integrated security management solution by IGLOO SECURITY, acquires CC certification
- Acquisition of CC certification further verifies the security of Spider TM V5.0 optimized to security control


[15 December 2015] IGLOO SECURITY, Inc. (CEO Deuk choon Lee, www. Igloosec.com), a leading company in the next generation integrated security management, announced that its integrated security management solution, ‘SPiDER TM V5.0’, passed the domestic common criteria (hereinafter referred to as CC certification) from the IT Security Certification Office and acquired EAL2 grade.


SPiDER TM V5.0, which acquired CC certification, more efficiently integrates and manages the information protection systems of different devices based on the security control experience of IGLOO SECURITY accumulated over time and sophisticated big data utilization ability.


SPiDER TM V5.0 supports a centralized control environment which allows easy and accurate recognition of all information throughout the network at a corporate-wide level ranging from initial detection to analysis. In addition,  by centrally collecting and storing all logs and network packet data created from security infrastructure of a company, and performing linkage analysis with realtime threat information, it provides the verified scenario reflecting the security control experience of years, along with the big data analysis function for more effectively detecting and blocking various threats.


Moreover, with the accelerating evolution of offenses such as abusing the unknown weaknesses, the information on the latest threats and attacking techniques are provided on a realtime basis. The security managers of companies become able to  to secure integrated visibility to threats penetrating the weaknesses of infrastructure and organization by receiving the rule set reflecting the latest security threat information and threat factors collected from diverse companies and institutions by the Knowledge Center which is the security control center of IGLOO SECURITY.


CEO Deuk choon Lee of IGLOO SECURITY said “With acquisition of CC certification with SPiDER TM V5.0 that concentrates businessknowhow and process for security control of over 15 years, the security of SPiDER TM V5.0 optimized to security control has been verified once more. It is expected that the key security solution aimed at solving the complexity of security control and securing visibility throughout a company would increase the efficiency and convenience of the company, thereby further creating safe security environment throughout the society.”


Prior to acquiring CC certification, the outstanding quality of SPiDER TM V5.0 was recognized in July whenit acquired the Good Software (GS) certification from the Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) which is a national certification scheme designed to prove the quality of software  developed in Korea.